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Начало -> Вакансия в категории: Программисты, Компьютерные технологии

Добавить в блокнотВерсия для печати Вакансия: VS IDE Developer
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Образование:нет / любое
График работы:полный рабочий день
Актуально для городов: Донецк

RemObjects Software is looking for a developer to work on our interfaces to the Visual Studio IDE. Full training will be given but you need experience with .NET and be interested in this type of work (you will probably be interested as to how compilers are produced and other things of a similar level).

All work may be done from home but you will need your own broadband connection and computer.

The plan is that the successful applicant will go through a trial period of three months learning the basics of our IDE code, followed by a period helping to support our code. After this you will take responsibility for some of the routines and help us create new code.

We are looking for somebody who considers that he is one of the best developers around - quick to learn and a team player. Average English is essential but good/excellent English would be an advantage.

The initial salary will be by negotiation and future increases will be linked to your success.

Please send your CV in English to [email protected] with quoting "ref: VSIDE".

Постоянный адрес объявления: http://job.dn.ua/vacancies/99582.html

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