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Начало -> Резюме в категории: Переводчики

Добавить в блокнотВерсия для печати Резюме: переводчик
Зарплата:400 $
Возраст: 23
График работы:неважно, договоримся

Piskorskaya Anastasia
Mob: 8 050 514 69 13
E-mail: [email protected]
- higher – «Gorlovka State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages»
(2002 - 2007г.)
Speciality «Teacher of the English and Spanish language and foreign literature»

Purpose of search. To do a successful career in a large, dynamically developing company, to get knowledge and skills in new areas and use them for development of company and professional growth

Expected pay - envelope от 2000 Uah.

04.12.06-for now
Name of organization: Donetsk Liceum 52 “Mercuriy”

Name of position: Teacher of English
Position requirements:
- Organization and conducting lesson English;
- Organization and lead through of lessons is in the group of Spanish;
- Conduct of document, lead through of consultation for parents.

Reason of changing of work: Change of terms of labour

Ukrainian - fluent
Russian - native
English - fluent
Spanish - intermediate

Computer – at the level of user, domain the package of Microsoft Office.

Other skills – the Certificate of completion the Course “ Business English” (upper- intermediate) 2005
-the diploma of the full course of program:” Book- keeping” 2008

Personal information:
Age 23 years, not married.

My strong sides: Responsibility, good organization, system, punctuality, decency, organizational and leader capabilities, readiness to teaching.

Hobby: Music, art, artistic literature.

Телефон:8 050 514 69 13
Постоянный адрес объявления: http://job.dn.ua/resumes/24094.html

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